12 Dec 08 - The Broome Courthouse hosted Christmas drinks for all of the judicial community of Broome - it was lovely, and margo sneaked (snuk ? ?) a piccy - inside the main Court Room whilst trying not to appear obviously tacky - and you can see our local Magistrate Bob there on the left - it's a lovely Courthouse - rather majestic in a Broome sort of way ...........
11 Dec 08 Broome - Hamersley Street - and the locals came out to protest the gas proposal in the Kimberley - if you look carefully you will see DB's boss' wife Sarah in there too ................

9 Dec 2008 - Broome - Sarah Brown is raising two wallabies - they are just beautiful - even Tilly thought so - and after a cuddle and release to the floor to play, they decided up margo's skirt was a good pouch to sit in - hmpf........... PS their names are Wally and Bee !!!!!

7 Dec 2008 - Sarah Brown's 30th birthday party - and they had the "Mango Place" closed for their own private function so that 60 or so folk could be with Sarah (and James and Dean and baby Shay) to celebrate - it was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon ........

7 Dec 2008 - Cape Leveque Road - DB took us home this time - a little overheating with the Suzuki but after a ball game with the poodle then all was good again and off we chooofed......

6 Dec 2008 - Cygnet Bay - The Soap Tree - rub the curly stuff between your hands with some water and voila you have soap suds - cool stuff huh !!!!

Cygnet Bay is an official Meterology Bureau and frog here is the meterologist !!!

2 metre croc at "Divers" at Cygnet Bay

Krausey grooming the poodle

Merry Christmas margo - check out the pearl necklace.