28 August 2012 - back at Louisa Creek-  (just near Hay Point Coal loading terminal) and about 30 minutes south of Mackay, we will be caretaking the Community Park which includes a Community Hall and huge kitchen, a toilet block, tennis courts, a cricket pitch, swings in a playground, a Dust Moniter for the coal dust, a Noise Moniter,  about 2 acres of "Land for Wildlife" and two dongers for caretakers to use and live in, so we keep the donger set up for our visitors to sleep in and the bus is parked beside the dongers, the other 5 acres or so is mowed by the local Council and we look after the rest.............The Caretaker rules say no dogs, but of course, Tilda is not a dog.....it's a lovely location and only 500 metres to the beach.  Our street is the only street at Louisa Creek and maybe 120 people live in the street, so it is very quiet and a perfect place for me to do my Wildlife Rescue Rehabilitation and make my lifetime dream come true - to raise a joey wallaby - woohoo - here we go, wish me luck....


Hector Park Community Hall and Sports Ground


Hector Hall

                                                               Hector Hall bar.