12 Dec 08 Broome - Our Eagle & Partners staff Christmas party dinner was at The Cable Beach Club Resort in the la de da de very very posh and extremely perfectly designer decor private dining room called the "Captain's Table". Left to right at the table below: Arthur (husband of KPP Melissa), Klari KPP (Bob's wife) um um young fella from Copy Cats - Adam (their other business) Grant (KPP), Tracey (Grant's wife and Copy Cats), ummmmm him what be husband of her at Copy Cats, Margo, David, Dee and Bob the boss.

Bob Eagle.

Bob's Wife Klari

Margo's Chistmas present to Bob - purely arthritic purposes you understand !!!!!

The fab artwork above is my Christmas present from Bob the Boss - it's an original painting by Indigenous Artist Amy Palmer of Billiluna - way south of Hall's Creek in no-man's land. The general dots represent food sources, the yellow clumping of dots represents people gathering at good food source areas to collect food. The centre, north of Australia and south of Australia markings represent meeting places. What a really neat present - thanks Bob.